Digital analysis

Awareness is the starting point for making changes

Digital analysis

Have you wondered, how good is your digital ecosystem? Is it developing in line with the market requirements or is it still very analog? Do you know how your customers perceive it? How does your organization compare with its competition? Are you thriving in the digital world?

In the era of rushing digitization, these are extremely important questions. Incorporating technology into business increases the efficiency of every process - from customer service to management. Self-assessment of digital adaptation is extremely difficult. That is why we offer a service in which we help you assess the level of technological advancement of your company, and then prepare a plan of initiatives aimed at implementing effective changes.

First step

First step to embracing digital change

Digital analysis — first step in digital transformation

New technologies have changed the way of doing business and it is their use that determines the level of competitiveness of enterprises. It is impossible to run an effective and prospering business in an analog form - customers are well-versed in information technologies (IT), and their needs, expectations, and purchasing decision paths are constantly changing. Hence, it is so important to thoroughly understand the digital potential of the company.

Digital analysis is the first step to the digital transformation of a company, and thus - the first step to a thriving business based on modern IT technologies.

Companies that trusted us

We have already helped many companies in their digital development, including well-known, global brands. We can also successfully guide your company through the digital transformation process to equip you with knowledge and tools that will allow you to use its full potential and become a strong player in the world of progressive digitization of business.

What will you get


What will you get with this digital analysis?

Investing in digitization is an investment in the company's stable future as well as enabling its sustainable and effective development. Modern technologies allow you to better manage resources and therefore reduce costs and maximize profits. At the same time, digitization makes it possible to improve the quality of your customer service.
Digital analysis allows you to create an effective plan indicating the right direction of development. It allows you to create a roadmap of initiatives that should guarantee an increase in the level of digitization of the company and strengthen its market position through the use of appropriate channels of IT.

Greater and predictable profits

Higher market competitiveness

Improved customer service

A stable business that
is resistant to change

Optimised resource management
and lower costs

Efektywne wykorzystanie
potencjału firmy

Digital analysis

Digital analysis

How we run the digital analysis process

Objectively assessing your own company’s actions is a very difficult task. At the same time, clear assessment and verification of the level of technological development is necessary for the further development of the company. Digital analysis is therefore the starting point for determining the direction of changes in the company.

Etap 1

Initial Workshops

We get to know your company and its needs

We achieve excellent results because we put emphasis on establishing strong partnerships with our clients. We start Digital Analysis with online workshops. We get to know the company, its industry, and the market in which it operates. We actively listen to the company's needs and what are the expectations related to cooperation.

Etap 2

External analysis of your company

We verify how your company is perceived by your customers

We analyze all systems and digital tools used by your company that we can see from the outside. We conduct an audit of social media and sentiment. We verify the opinions of customers and employees. We analyze customer purchasing paths and examine main digital customer journeys.

Etap 3

External analysis of your competitors

We analyse the digital footprint of your competitors

We analyze and evaluate external tools used by competitors. Thanks to this, we will assess the level of digitization of your company in relation to the competition.

Etap 4

Digital trends analysis

We define the best digital tools and trends in your industry

Based on industry reports and marketing materials, we examine which tools work best in a given industry and which of them belong to the so-called industry standard. We will give you our opinion on which solutions will be best suited for your organization.

Etap 5


We will give you an action plan

We summarize the data from all analyses. We present ready-made solutions and the tools needed to implement them. We indicate which aspects of digitization are worth investing in at the very beginning in order to achieve the best results in relation to the competition and the market.


How else can we help you?

Be a head of your competition!

Contact us to know more

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