#4 Procesy i procedury, które rozwijają firmę. Jak skutecznie je wdrożyć?Drogi Słuchaczu, z dzisiejszego odcinka dowiesz się o dwóch niezwykle ważnych aspektach prowadzenia firmy — procesach i procedurach. Jak wprowadzić je skutecznie? Jak sprawić,... 06.02.2024
Hourly billing or Fixed Price – which is more profitable?Do you want to outsource a mobile app project and have received a proposal for hourly billing? Will you benefit from this solution? In this article, you will learn why this me... 18.09.2023
Customers are running away!? Analyze the paths of the Customer Journey, and you’ll know how to keep themCustomer loyalty is the result of a great many factors. The first association is satisfied with the product or service. However, it is worth realizing that professional perfor... 28.06.2023
#4 Procesy i procedury, które rozwijają firmę. Jak skutecznie je wdrożyć?Drogi Słuchaczu, z dzisiejszego odcinka dowiesz się o dwóch niezwykle ważnych aspektach prowadzenia firmy — procesach i procedurach. Jak wprowadzić je skutecznie? Jak sprawić,... 06.02.2024
Hourly billing or Fixed Price – which is more profitable?Do you want to outsource a mobile app project and have received a proposal for hourly billing? Will you benefit from this solution? In this article, you will learn why this me... 18.09.2023
Customers are running away!? Analyze the paths of the Customer Journey, and you’ll know how to keep themCustomer loyalty is the result of a great many factors. The first association is satisfied with the product or service. However, it is worth realizing that professional perfor... 28.06.2023