Product Workshops

Maximize the outcomes of your investment

Are you planning to introduce a new mobile app or another technological product into your business? Take part in our product workshops where we will define the appropriate development direction for your product, its key functionalities, and the costs and time required for project completion.

A new technological solution is a powerful tool for your company. However, to be truly effective, it must be perfectly tailored to the specifics of your industry and company.

A new business idea or tech startup is a significant unknown. It could be highly profitable in the future but comes with the risk of failure if the assumptions are incorrectly defined.

Therefore, it is essential to precisely define the real needs before starting work, so that the necessary functionalities of the new application and startup assumptions are identified.

During the product workshop, we check the business background and verify the idea’s feasibility. We define the functionality of the first version and possible later options. We assess the risks and their mitigation methods. Finally, we estimate the costs of the entire venture. As a result:

  • You will learn how much it is worth investing to achieve optimal quality.
  • You will know what your solution should look like to meet your goals. 
  • You will gain a plan for further development of the new application, startup, or tool.
  • You will understand the functionalities of the project and their rationale.
I want to discuss the details

Minimize risk with precisely defined functions

You know your company needs a new technological solution. You want to get ahead of the competition or are looking for a way to accelerate certain processes. To some extent, you know what solutions you need, but you need advice on technology.

Defining how the new solution should work, and especially how much to invest in it, involves the risk of underestimating the project. At Digital Forms, we offer a very fast way to precisely determine how the new tool should work to bring real benefits to the company. This is achieved through four-hour product workshops during which we identify the real challenges your product should address.

As a result, thanks to precisely defined functionalities, you gain an estimation of the costs of your future solution.

Product Workshops — a plan for an optimal business problem solution

  • Business Challenge

    Creating a solution that meets the needs of my company or clients.

  • Product workshops
    •  4-hour SESSION,
    • Detailed REPORT,
    • CONSULTATIONS for discussing the report’s outcome.
  • Your benefits
    • Gaining a plan for an optimal solution,
    • Minimizing investment risk,
    • An estimated cost outline of the solution,
    • Avoiding unnecessary costs due to excessive functionalities,
    • Understanding risks before execution and methods of their minimization.

What do you gain from product workshops?

Your idea is just the beginning. Often it is a vision that requires specification. Details influence the success of the entire venture. Therefore, during the workshops, we outline a specific, detailed plan that translates ideas into concrete functionalities and expected outcomes.

Translate your idea into a precise project,

Learn the details concerning the most important options,

Receive a plan of necessary functionalities that should be included in the first version of the solution,

More effectively adapt the technological product to your expectations and market needs,

Learn how to develop the tool or idea in the future,

More easily plan the budget,

Avoid overlooked costs,

Make informed decisions knowing to what extent the project will be consistent with your goals,

Increase stakeholder trust — thanks to the information obtained, communication with the team will be easier,

Avoid delays — knowledge of costs will allow you to better plan payments for the various stages of the project.

Understand the process

Learn the process for developing an optimal plan

How are product workshops conducted?

Thanks to our experience, we can ask the right questions. Your knowledge of the industry and company ensures the correct answers are given. It's a team game where both sides play a crucial role.


Business context analysis and needs recognition

A successful solution requires it to be grounded in reality, not just in the designer’s imagination. Therefore, at Digital Forms, we put great emphasis on the correlation between the product and the business context. We get to know your industry, ask about other similar solutions that your competitors face, verify the challenges your enterprise faces, and identify real needs. We precisely define the problems that the product should solve.


Defining functionalities

In this part, we establish the basic purpose of the product or business project. We define key functionalities for the first version of the project and outline the basic options so that the solution meets the most important goals and can be implemented as quickly as possible. Its expansion will be conducted in subsequent phases, after receiving initial feedback.


Success Criteria

Project outcomes can only be assessed if goals are previously set. Therefore, at this stage, we jointly establish what effects the solution should bring and how the goals will be measured. An example could be specifying the number of users or a set minimum revenue amount.


Mapping Potential Risks

To avoid unforeseen costs, it’s also worthwhile to identify possible project risks. These typically arise when adopting new technology. During product workshops, we not only outline potential challenges but also ways to mitigate these risks.


Report and Consultations

The summary of the workshops is a report, prepared within 7 working days. The document precisely summarizes:

  • The needs of the company and the business context,
  • The functionalities of the future technological product resulting from these needs,
  • The cost estimate and timeline for the proposed solution.

We provide the report in electronic form, adding online consultations to thoroughly clarify any doubts.

You will receive the report within a week of the workshops. However, you will not have to go through the document alone, as everything will be explained during a meeting.

Why Participate in Digital Forms Product Workshops?

You will learn the budget for the complex project

Product workshops allow you to determine the exact price of the future product, thus you avoid unnecessary or unexpected costs.

You will find out the implementation timeline

Precisely defining the required functionalities before ordering the project allows you to determine the timeline for its completion.

Functionalities will be tailored to needs

Identifying the real challenges of the company is the basis for determining the required options and the scale of the project ordered.

We put great emphasis on ensuring that the future solution is a real support in your business. This distinguishes us from many other specialists – we not only create technological systems but also embed them within the context of your industry, your company, and your challenges.

We have conducted dozens of workshops across multiple industries. We see the problems individual businesses face, so we know exactly what to ask to create a functional solution in the future.

We are experts in technological solutions, from mobile applications to digital transformations of companies.

Product workshop: from €1560 net

In this price, you minimize the risk of future investment, which could range from several to hundreds of thousands of EUR. You gain significantly higher savings and can avoid unnecessary costs.

Schedule a free consultation


  • During a four-hour session, we identify and define your business’s needs and the future functionalities of the technological product. Then, within 7 working days, we prepare a report. After sending it, we invite you for consultations where we discuss all details. Within a week, you can reduce the risk of your future investment.

  • Yes. Every company planning to order a business mobile application, software, or other technological solution should specify the goal of their future investment to then identify the most important assumptions. Therefore, we recommend product workshops to representatives of construction, medical, insurance, electromobility, and many other industries.

  • The result of the workshops is precise knowledge of the costs and time that should be anticipated for a future investment such as a mobile app, system, software, etc. This also includes a plan of functionalities and options that the future product will have. You will receive this information in the form of a report, which we will discuss during consultations. This ensures that your plan will have a business justification.

  • The flexibility of the solution we propose allows for the option to only order the workshops. The document you receive may indicate that you do not need a comprehensive and perfectly tailored solution, but rather a template product. The cost of the future product may also exceed your current year’s budget, and you may postpone the decision to collaborate at a later date. Therefore, participating in the product workshops does not imply an obligation to continue collaboration, although, of course, we encourage it!

  • An intensive session with our experts, who will engage with your specialists to ask key questions, identify needs, define functionalities, map risks, and indicate mitigation strategies, followed by the formulation of a document and a discussion of the report. This will enable your company to maximize the efficiency of your future investments, all for a starting price of €1560 net. At this price, you gain the value of avoiding multi-thousand costs and a prolonged project in the future. In exchange, you can precisely determine the budget, features, and duration of the implementation of the technological product.


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