Automation Workshops

Maximize the efficiency of processes in your company

Performing hundreds of repetitive activities manually generates numerous errors and mistakes. The monotony of work negatively affects the level of employee satisfaction, and a number of technical activities consume a huge amount of time that should be devoted to generating income.

If the above situation applies to your company – you need automation!

Process automation allows you to fully use the potential of available resources. Thanks to it, the team can focus on the most important activities. i.e. those that contribute the most to the increase of company turnover.

Thanks to automation:

  • you gain higher efficiency of activities and entire processes,
  • you will notice a reduction in most errors,
  • you will free up employees’ time so that they can devote it to performing the most important tasks,
  • you will increase your level of job satisfaction by minimizing the number of repetitive and monotonous activities,
  • you will improve your financial results thanks to better efficiency and reduction of losses.

Why do you need automation workshops?

As a result of the workshops, you will learn which areas are worth automating to maximize the efficiency of your processes.

Instead of constantly copying data, searching systems to find information, creating dozens of similar offers – employees can devote their time to talking to customers, personalized argumentation, building lasting business relationships and closing transactions.

Automate repetitive activities and you will gain space for work that will increase your profit!

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Who are automation workshops intended for?

Level of digital maturity
  • 1
    Mapping processes
  • 2
    Identification of measurement indicators
  • 3
    Using tools that are improving processes
  • 4
    Current level of your company
  • 5
    Automation workshops

If your company has reached the fourth level of digital maturity, in which processes have been defined, measurement indicators have been identified, and the company uses effective tools, it means that the organization has created the right basis for further automation. This is the right moment for the next stage of the company’s development, which will allow it to catch up with the industry leaders – technology companies, i.e. those that, regardless of the topic of their business, work very efficiently, achieving above-average results.

The basis for the success of automation workshops is the appropriate level of digitization of the enterprise, i.e.:

  • documented company processes,
  • defined specific measurement areas,
  • appropriate tools for automation.

Not sure what level of digital maturity your company has reached?

Schedule a free consultation

Automation workshops — analysis that will help you improve the most important areas

  • Business challenge
    • Automation of repetitive activities that consume most of your time,
    • Improving process efficiency,
    • Better financial results, strengthening competitive position.
  • Automation workshops
    • SESSION-4H,
    • REPORT,
  • Your benefits
    • Indicating areas that are worth automating to exchange repetitive tasks with creative activities that directly increase revenues,
    • Introduction to process improvements in which the company reduces the number of errors, mistakes and losses.

What do you gain from automation workshops?

During the workshops, we will develop a design for future automation, of which the most important outcomes include:

lower costs – fewer errors, material losses, complaints,

minimizing manual work,

maximum use of the team’s potential,

improving competitive position thanks to increasing work efficiency,

greater predictability of processes,

freeing up the time of managers and employees.

increase in revenues by performing the most important tasks for the company, instead of less important but time-consuming activities.

After the workshop, you will receive a ready-made project and an offer for the future automation of your company.

Learn the process

How are automation workshops conducted?


Business context analysis — processes

In the first stage, we analyze the processes present in the company. Their prior mapping is necessary to conduct automation workshops. You don’t have any written processes in your company? Check our process workshops. We verify weak points, i.e. repetitive activities that consume the most time and generate the most mistakes. These are areas that contribute to huge losses in the company, resulting from both errors and unused potential of employees.


Analysis of tools supporting processes in the company

We analyze the use of tools such as CRM, communication platforms, data analysis and reporting tools, and process management tools. The presence of basic tools in the company is the basis for further automation. Without them, effective process improvement is not possible.


Report — document and consultations

Finally, we identify areas requiring optimization. We indicate those fields that, after transformation, will bring visible results most quickly in the form of lower losses resulting from repetitive mistakes. We identify potential areas that will bring a real increase in revenues by freeing time and allocating it to activities directly related to sales or other creative activities that cannot be replaced by automation.

A report presenting the initial automation project will be delivered within a maximum of 7 working days.

During the online meeting, we discuss the document, clarifying even the slightest doubts.


Why is it worth taking part in Digital Forms automation workshops?

You will gain a trusted transformation partner

Our many years of experience, business background and technological knowledge will help your company smoothly introduce the necessary automations.

You will free up your time and the time of your team

As a result of the workshops, you will learn how your organization can work smarter, not more.

You will catch up with industry leaders

You will reduce the number of mistakes, record more transactions and the number of projects that actually increase your income.

Automation workshop: from €1560 net

As a result of the workshops, you will receive an initial design for future processes automation. Find out how you can transform manual work into effective work. You will receive a recommendation of effective tools that will help you achieve the best results.

Schedule a free consultation


  • Automation workshops are intended only for companies that have documented processes and use appropriate tools. For other companies, the automation process will not be possible yet. If your organization is at an earlier level of digital maturity, we invite you to participate in other workshops: product, process or data workshops. This will be adequate preparation for later automation.

  • Within just a few hours, we are able to assess which areas require automation so that the company can see spectacular results. We carry out analysis of current processes, consultations and verification of weak points within 4 hours. We provide a summary in the form of a report and consultation within a maximum of 7 working days.

  • Indicating areas that are worth automating to exchange repetitive tasks with creative activities that directly increase revenues,

    Introduction to process improvements in which the company reduces the number of errors, mistakes and losses.

  • The price of the automation workshops starts from €1560 net. You gain a basis for the effective digital transformation of your company. Thanks to our recommendations, you will start from the right point and your investment will be successful.


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